
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Easy Crepe

1 1/2 cup whole milk
4 eggs
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 T sugar
1/4 t salt
3 T melted unsalted butter

Pace all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 minute.   I use the Magic Bullet.   Allow the batter to rest for 30 minutes before cooking.    Pour 1/4-1/2   cup batter into buttered or oiled heating pan and swirl to coat bottom of pan.  Fry until you see edges dried and curled up slightly.   Flip crepe over  and cook the other side for 10 seconds.   Keep frying all crepes until batters are finished.

Note: Use crepes for many dishes, from sweet to savory.  Use larger amount for bigger crepe.

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