
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Congee (Cambodian Rice Porridge)


2 cups of Rice

2 gallons of water

1 whole chicken

1 tsp Salt

Chopped green onion

Remove skin from chicken and rub with some salt. Pour water in a big pot bring to a boil.   Add the rice.   Wash the chicken again add to the pot and bring to a boil again. Turn to Low heat and let it simmer 1.5 - 2 hours.   Do not walk away because the rice is very starchy will produce great amount of bubble and it will flow out of pot (messy kitchen).  Turn the heat off, take the chicken out allow cool and shred about 3 cups of meat.  Mix with green onions add teaspoon of salt and pour the meat mixture back into the pot and stir.  Garnish with bean sprouts and cilantro, sirachi sauce.

Note: For every 1 cup of rice, use 1 gallon of water. 

 Saryma Hogan

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